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Cinehill Film Festival 2024


Jedan od najpopularnijih filmskih festivala u regiji preselio je iz Motovuna u Gorski kotar i nastavlja pod novim imenom Cinehill. Pet dana i noći, s projekcijama pod šatorima i vedrim nebom, najbolji filmovi uronjeni u čaroliju šume i čudesne prirode izletišta Petehovac iznad Delnica.

Svaki dan po deset projekcija filmova sa svih strana svijeta i najbolja zabava ovog ljeta.

Za one koji vole gledati puno filmova, pripremili smo i dva različita paketa ulaznica po najpovoljnijim cijenama: Veliko brdo i Malo brdo. 

Paketi su u online pretprodaji samo do 7. 7., a od 8. 7. kreće i prodaja pojedinačnih ulaznica, kada će biti objavljen i cijeli program.

Cinehill je filmsko-brdska avantura. Pet dana druženja u prirodi, pod zvjezdanim nebom, daleko od užarenog gradskog asfalta i gužvi na plažama. Na pola puta između mora i kontinenta, na našem brdu filmova čeka vas sve najbolje!

📍24. srpnja - 28. srpnja, Planinarski dom Petehovac, Delnice


One of the most popular film festivals in the region has moved from Motovun to Gorski Kotar and continues under the new name Cinehill. Five days and nights of screenings of the choicest films, in dome tents and under the stars, immersed in the magic of the forest and mesmerising nature surrounding the Petehovac resort in the mountains above Delnice.

Ten screenings per day of films from across the globe and the best summer entertainment.

For those of you who plan on seeing a lot of films, we have prepared two different ticket bundles at the most affordable prices: the Big Hill and Little Hill ticket bundles. These are available in online presale only until 7 July, while individual ticket sales kick off on 8 July, when we’ll announce the entire festival program.

Cinehill is a mountainous cinematic adventure. Five days of socialising in nature, under the starry sky, far from scorching city asphalt and crowded beaches. Halfway between the sea and the continent, only the best awaits you on our movie mountain!

📍24 July – 28 July, Petehovac mountain resort, Delnice

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